Sustainable Stylist

Sustainable Stylist

Here Is How To Nail The Black Tie Dress Code

2021. szeptember 10. - David Lampert

The black tie dress code is pretty simple if you know some basic principles to start with:

A slim-cut black suit

A box-fresh white shirt

A perfectly tied bow tie

This oversimplification should make you feel a bit more confident, BUT, as they say, the devil is in the details.

As they say, the devil is in the details.

From the bow tie style to the cufflink choice and the shine level of your shoes, black tie events are all about following very specific dressing rules.

However, when matched right, black tie outfits are prime opportunities to look the best you ever will:

Jacket: The centerpiece of your black tie outfits, the dinner jacket is a must-have.

Trousers: As long as the trousers are dark, fitted, match the jacket's cut, and don't end up legless during the event, you'll be fine.

Shirt: Traditional black tie shirts are pleated, have a winged collar, and holes for cufflinks on the sleeve.

Shoes: Classic, elegant, matching well against the suit's formality, black patent shoes are preferred to any black-tie event.

Socks: Showing your leg skin is crude so wearing 'evening socks' is a must.

Bow Tie: Your bow tie should always be hand-tied, so give yourself some extra preparation time.

Cummerbund: A cummerbund is a broad waist sash in various designs, including pleats.

Waistcoat: A smart waistcoat keeps things sophisticated while providing the same functionality as a cummerbund.

Accessories: Here are some good examples: Watch, Cufflinks, Pocket square, aftershave, hair product.

Read more about the black tie dress code for men on The VOU.

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