Sustainable Stylist

Sustainable Stylist

Capricorn Sign EXPLAINED – Dates, Symbols, Traits, Personality, Compatibility

2022. november 17. - David Lampert

Here's everything you need to know about the hard-working Capricorn sign.

You'll find out the correct Capricorn sign dates, the truth about the constellation of Capricorn, and the symbolism behind the Capricorn sign.

You'll also learn about the traits of Capricorn people, characteristics, personality, and Capricorn's compatibility with other zodiac signs.

Capricorn Zodiac Signs

Capricorn As A Friend

Most Capricorns are very selective with new friends and protective about personal life.

However, if a Capricorn has accepted you as a friend, expect a life-long friend that will be bestowing you with honesty, support, and loyalty.

Capricorns are HONEST

Capricorn's grounded and practical spirit makes people feel comfortable in their presence, with one caveat; Capricorns don't sugar-coat.

If your Capricorn friend doesn't approve of your choices or behavior, be sure they'll let you know.

Capricorns hate NOSINESS

Capricorns prefer warm, open-hearted, and loyal friends who don't ask nosey questions and respect their boundaries.

Capricorns go out of their way to HELP

Capricorns are the ultimate do-ers; once on course, they'll make it happen.

Your Capricorn friend will always come up with solutions and practical ideas to improve your situation.

Even if knee-deep in deadlines and high-stakes crises, your Capricorn friend will go out of their way to consider and fulfill the needs of friends and loved ones.

Capricorns are LIFE-LONG friends

Capricorn folks do not make too many friends in this lifetime.

Yet, honest people who can make them feel at peace will become life-long friends.

As a zodiac sign in deep connection with all family aspects, Capricorns are in touch with their childhood and past.

When times get hard, Capricorn folks love recalling memories and reconnecting with friends.

Capricorn Weakness

Capricorn's most significant weakness is their assumption that everyone wants, needs, and desires a similar lifestyle.

Capricorns can be HARSH

Extremely ambitious and driven to succeed - with a highly inspiring determination - the Capricorn sign must avoid imposing its work ethic on others.

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