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Sustainable Stylist

Why Are Aries Attracted To Cancer? (ASTROLOGERS EXPLAIN)

2022. december 06. - David Lampert

'Why are Aries attracted to Cancer?' is one of the most asked astrology questions.

In astrology, Aries is a fire sign ruled by Mars, while Cancer is a water sign by the Moon.

Made of opposing natural elements and ruled by planets with different qualities, it seems unlikely that these two zodiac signs would get along.

Personality-wise, there are differences as well; Aries is daring, ambitious, and explorative, whereas Cancer is emotional, nurturing, and homey.

Why Are Aries Attracted To Cancer

Similar Questions to Why Are Aries Attracted To Cancer

Can Aries Fall in Love With Cancer?

Aries finds Cancer's sensitive and emotional side very attractive and will seek ways to protect and support them. Aries fire sign matches with what water Cancer sign to the point of creating steam, so love and passion are always in the cards, as long as they understand how to support and understand one another.

Are Aries and Cancer Good in Bed?

Aries and Cancer have one of the best "in bed" compatibilities, thanks to Aries's fiery and exploratory nature and Cancer's desire to please no matter what.

Can Aries and Cancer be Soulmates?

With Aries finding Cancer very attractive, the match has massive potential for a soulmate-level relationship if both zodiac signs work on communicating, overcoming emotional dramas, and showcasing vulnerability when needed.

Can a Cancer and Aries Relationship Work?

The Cancer and Aries relationship works exceptionally well as long as both partners understand they're on the same side of the barricade, with Cancer creating love and emotional comfort while Aries is out there fighting in the physical realm for protection and resources.



With Aries finding Cancer very attractive, the match has massive potential for a long-lasting relationship if both zodiac signs are ready to work on overcoming emotional dramas and becoming more vulnerable.

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